34 Lakhs owed by Independent TV to Greycelles18 Medias as per the broadcaster. TDSAT set to settle the case.
Changes and updates in policy by TRAI and MIB are posted here.
Kashish News challenge to wisdom of Tata Sky disposed off by TDSAT. TDSAT directs TRAI to dispose of the representation.
ZEEL's Punit Goenka and Bijal Shah - New Tariff Order has significantly improved our monetization and subscription revenue. Growth from...
NDTV's step down subsidiary receives income tax assessment order raising a demand. 12 lakh demand raised by IT department. Set...
Siti Network fails to settle with Star India. TDSAT admits petition for hearing.
TDSAT grants interim protection to Dish TV against Star India disconnection notice. Dish TV told to pay up 55 crores...
Independent TV showcaused by TRAI over disconnection of signals. Told to respond in 5 days to the regulators questions.
TRAI issues recommendations on entry level net worth for MSO. Says no need for fixing entry level net worth.