Any news on addition of Star Sports HD4 channels

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Yes so do I think. It's more hope than reality. Moreover uhd is permanent and not only for World Cup. I got uhd box but their system hasn't updated it so engineer could not install it. Sorry state.
ayanc99 said:
Yes so do I think. It's more hope than reality. Moreover uhd is permanent and not only for World Cup. I got uhd box but their system hasn't updated it so engineer could not install it. Sorry state.

uhd is permanent? where n what wud b the content then?
It would be a pipe of content, sports movies music nature etc. check the press release from d2h.
Look how the customers are reacting when Videocon D2H posted about the addition of Star Sports HD3 in their Facebook page!


They Will Add Star Sports HD4 Don't Worry But After IPL 2015!

Like They Did For Star Sports 2!

Nowadays They Are Very Selective In Adding HD Channels
but y after ipl 2015?:(:(:(
y not right now?
if it is available in the market then it shud b added from the first day of its inception.

i don't want to b deprived. i want it from the very first day.
I sent a mail to Anil Khera yesterday on two issues of 4K box, d2h cinema blocked and no earphone remote working. He forwarded to cc and they called me just now. I raised the ss hd4 issue with him. The opening match of the World Cup cannot be seen in hd if we want to hear english commentary. I also forwarded him the mail and told him to do something about it. I doubt anything will happen because d2h guys are clueless about which matches airing on which channels. Or if they are aware they don't care about subscribers. Maybe once the event starts and they notice no english commentary on hd channel for certain matches they might change their mind and add the channel but I feel that is highly unlikely.
later or sooner - sshd 3 n sshd 4 ll come on each dth platform. star india ll make it avaiable whether by choice or force, depends on the dth.

but if it has to b added later than y not sooner?
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