The biggest flaw in the new system is the Rs 130 NCF. We know that there is a basic cost for DTH/Cable. But how it became Rs 130 when they had Rs 99 base pack earlier for most of the operators? Put a minimum base price of Rs 50 as operator cost. There should be an FTA pack for every state with all FTA channels in that state language + DD channels. Per FTA channel, the cost cannot go beyond Rs0.8 Either user can select this pack or individually each channel he wishes. None of the marketing channels can be included in any of the packs. We are paying for FTA but as the expense for NCF, at least we are not forced to pay for a language we don't understand. The customer can buy each language FTA pack he needs. Why we are paying NCF for pay channels? DTH/LOC is getting a 20% share. When we buy something from the shop at an MRP rate are we paying extra for setting up and maintaining that shop? Each channel operator should bear the NCF cost if they are a pay channel