Dish TV added Seca-2 Encryption along with Conex now

Have a look mate. They are trying to confuse the ECM's between Seca-2 and Conex encryption in-order to protect the unlocking keys.

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dear jat, i am watching seca2, conax, but some channel only seca like pogo, some are in both encription, some are only conax, perhaps they are confused or try to confused ................
AsitPaul said:
Which is superior encryptor?
Conax or present new one?

Conex is much superior than Seca-2. Dish TV card don't even run in other Dish TV boxes because they are paired and that pairing is from Conex.
dhanda said:
dear jat, i am watching seca2, conax, but some channel only seca like pogo, some are in both encription, some are only conax, perhaps they are confused or try to confused ................

They are trying to confuse the channels opening keys on 3rd party boxes that's why they are adding dual encryption on premium channels, and they are not confuse they want to make us confuse ;).
yes dear hassan, they wants to make us confuse, in my up post i want say that as u r saying, it is true dear
yes hassan , in dishtv old s/w many channels open, only one channel star plus every day open about 10 to 11 am in day only seca, every night off with conax
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