Here's why Tata Sky will always remain better than Airtel

The Lonelier Island

23 Aug 2018
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Am switching homes for festivities. But wanted to catch tonight's IPL matches. My due date was yesterday. So I recharged ₹50 to resume my service. Still they need extra ₹50 which is around ₹100 to resume the services. Don't know what would be the deactivation charge be after a month. In Tata Sky there is no minimum amount to recharge. Any amount, be it ₹20 earlier and ₹50 now can resume the service. Also the remaining balance can be saved by temporary suspension.
It's always been like that bro. You will have to pay reconnection charge to activate connection after due date. According to their website minimum Rs 150 balance is also required. Temporary suspension is not free and even after paying, the account can be suspended just once in 4 months. Not sure if they give any retention offers because revenue from these charges can be used to provide some special offers to inactive customers.
The offers which all are used by active customers are retention offers only officially there is no such offers for active customers at all in Adtv 🤣😤
Well, they do offer you a logo which keeps switching position based on channels. Also a portal that makes it difficult of selection of bouquets and base pack. I swear if you don't want your grandmother to watch those daily soaps. You can just drop the pack and make her select. By the time she figures to do it. She will quit watching those shows altogether.
Am switching homes for festivities. But wanted to catch tonight's IPL matches. My due date was yesterday. So I recharged ₹50 to resume my service. Still they need extra ₹50 which is around ₹100 to resume the services. Don't know what would be the deactivation charge be after a month. In Tata Sky there is no minimum amount to recharge. Any amount, be it ₹20 earlier and ₹50 now can resume the service. Also the remaining balance can be saved by temporary suspension.
Now we recharge as low as Rs1 in Tata sky bro
On any UPI app enter tsky13******65@sc
and send money (subscriber id)
I do not agree with this. Every dth has pros and cons, just bcoz of mandatory condition of min 100 Rs recharge for resumption of services airtel cannot b considered bad. Also i change update packs/bouquet / channels regularly thru their app and do not face any issue. Picture / Audio Quality of airtel is very superior than Tata Sky, they offer max SD and HD chs.... Few r missing but same is case in Tata Sky too, airtel too offered much better special discounted bouquet / offers in pre NTO era and continued so during NTO period too which Tata Sky did not and recently resumed, Also Signals of airtel seem to b quite strong and do not get much affected by rains... In Tata Sky too same is the case, Customer Care / Issue Resolution Time in airtel is also quite good and on par with Tata Sky.... Though i have heard that Tata Sky has deteriorated a little in this criteria in last few years, Logo issue in airtel was not so major but still it is being resolved now...... Airtel Xstream software/hardware, functionality, features, user friendliness is better than Tata Sky Binge STB. There r many other things i can list which indicate airtel is excellent DTH operator.

If grandmother can face issue in selecting channels it will not b bcoz of lagginess or bugs in airtel app but bcoz she may not know process to use app or its features.... This goes for airtel or tata sky likewise. One thing i am sure about it is that elders do face initial issues in typing 4 digit lcn which tata sky has but later become accustomed to it, airtel still does not have this feature but will introduce it sooner than later. What i wish to convey is learning new things takes time and it cannot b attributed to operator doing something wrong
Any amount, be it ₹20 earlier and ₹50 now can resume the service. Also the remaining balance can be saved by temporary suspension.
Now you can't recharge below 50 in Tata Sky.
In my opinion :-

  • Customer Friendly
  • Affordable
  • Set Favourite Channels easily
  • Elder friendly
  • Service is available around the clock
  • Picture quality and Audio quality is superb
  • Beautiful STB
  • Easy and light weight remote
  • Most important those Jingalala Offers
Read here. 👇

In airtel min Rs. 100 required in account to resume service so not major difference. Will share feedback with them to reduce this, abolish Idle Maintenance Fee and give Temporary Suspension Free once or twice in year... Hopefully they will improve on this.
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