@Hellboy, here's the monthly rent of both SD & HD connection as per your requirement.
In SD connection
Monthly rent : 264 to maximum
My plan 199 + sports channels
In HD connection
1) 309/month with all sports channels.
My plan 99 + Hindi news topup(40) + Royal HD topup(170)
2) 262/month.
My plan 99 + Hindi news topup(40) + Magic HD topup(93) + Ten 1,2,3 HD(30)
OR SS 1 Hindi HD & Vijay HD(30).
- Sports channels are suggested as per your requirement.
- If you are satisfied with the hindi news channels available in my plan 99, then there's no need to activate Hindi news topup. So, the new monthly rent for HD connection will be either 269 or 222/month.