Disney-Star has YRF, Balaji Motion Pictures, 20th Century Studios and even acquiring certain other new movies like Ram Setu through special agreements. Also Dharma Productions, T Series, Red Chillies (which includes SRK owned, Madras Talkies Bollywood Movies, Eagle Films, Cineyug), VVC, Salman Khan Films r some banners likely to shift to Disney-Star very soon.
I expect NG Grandson, Ajay Devgn Films to also move back to disney-star once current agreement with zee is over as on basis on my observation just like SKF movies the success ratio when these movies got aired on disney-star hindi movie channels was much better. Panorama Films will also shift if Ajay Devgn Films make a shift to disney-star as i have seen both sign agreement together
Also Disney-Star has lots of old bollywood movies in its library be it thru library companies or banners and these get extremely good ratings compared to most of post 2010 bollywood movies which might get good ratings in initial airings but later on fail to garner required viewership.
Disney-Star is the only hindi movie network which has constantly focused on giving bollywood movies more space across its hindi movie channels thus building a robust , loyal, dedicated bollywood movies audience base. This gives them an edge over rival broadcasters and even banners would surely consider this while signing agreement as visibility , success of movies on TV is very important....initially they sign agreement with rival broadcasters and even get good amount of money for the same but if films fail to get required ratings then broadcasters themselves will not agree to pay high amount later on and even banners will look for a broadcaster which can provide combo of more visibility/ratings for their movies and justified price for the agreement/movie output deal