Ajay Devgn is back with Star Gold
Both Shaitaan & Maidaan with Star
The overseas distribution rights were sold to Pen Marudhar for Rs 10 crore, and the final share from the international belts will be around 14 crore, resulting in a 40 percent profit for Pen Marudhar. Shaitaan fetched Rs 80 crore from Netflix, which is set off against Ajay Devgn’s acting fees of the same amount. The satellite rights are with Star Network at Rs 30 crore, whereas the music has been valued with Panorama at Rs 5 crore. It was a self-release in India by Panorama, and the lifetime distributors' share will be around Rs 67 crore.
All in all, as against an expense of Rs 165 crore (including Ajay Devgn’s fees), Shaitaan fetched Rs 227 crore, which means a return on investment of nearly 40 percent. Detailed Report