SPN ready to launch HD feed of SAB and MAX

RE: MSM ready to launch HD feed of SAB and MAX

I thinl thread title should be change to

Spn ready to..................................sab
Rahulan Ratnarajah said:
SPN is always famous for these kind of soaps...
Bro, you mean to say SPN can only deliver spin, so we should not expect a direct delivery from SPN. But MAX HD and SAB HD are not a sports channel, so here I think, SPN should not use its speciality of delivering spin, instead it should be delivered directly i.e. it can be launched on schedule without lots of drama, but it wouldn't be happen that a channel from SPN is launched so easily on schedule without seeing some spins from SPN !!:D:D:D
Chinmay Kore said:
What happened to Sony's New Kids channel which they were going to launch on Diwali :lol

when did they told, they ll launch a kids chnl ? :huh
Has SPN obtained the required license for launching these channels !!
I think, they have delayed the launch only for this that now MAX HD will be launched by the rebranded SPN only !!
RE: SPN will ever launch the HD feed of SAB and MAX !!

I think, this should be the title now that ''SPN will ever launch the HD feed of SAB and MAX'' !!:huh:huh:huh
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