Thought of The Day

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RE: Spirtual Thoughts

12th April 2013
Every little moment or incident results in sound; be it the falling of an eyelid over the eye or the dropping of dew on a petal. The range of one’s ear is limited to what one can hear. Even a poisonous cobra can be quietened by music. Sound (Naadham) has that property. The child in the cradle stops wailing as soon as the lullaby is sung. It may not carry any meaning that the child interprets, but the sound does soothe the nerves and induce sleep. So too, the sound of a Manthra is as valuable as its meaning. The meaning of the Gayathri Manthra, is very direct and profound. It does not ask for mercy or pardon. It asks for a clear intellect, so that the Truth may be reflected therein correctly, without any disfigurement. This can be chanted by people of all times and will help aspirants to intensify their Sadhana and achieve success.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

13th April 2013
Human beings are the only species that can recognize greatness and revere the glorious. Use that capacity, discriminate and get the maximum benefit out of it, in this birth. Be convinced and have firm faith that the Truth will set you free and will protect you. Just as there are two wires, the positive and the negative which are brought together to produce light, so too the Supreme Self (Paramatma) and the spiritual aspirant (Sadhaka) have to meet in Yoga, to receive illumination! So gladly go to the holy places and keep company with the holy and the pious. A magnet attracts pure iron, similarly a sincere aspirant is attracted to only such things that will grant them Joy and Courage.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

14th April 2013
If you stick to the truth consistently and sincerely, the sense of guilt will not gnaw your heart and cause pain. The easiest habit is speaking the truth and being honest. For, if you start telling lies, you will have to keep count of them and remember how many you have told to whom and be always alert to not contradict one lie with another! Also be aware that it is cowardice that makes you hide the truth. It is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood. Be bold and there is no need for a lie. Be full of love and there is no need for duplicity, tricks and ploys. Finally, the most important truth is, if you love a person, then you will automatically feel that they deserve the truth and nothing less than the truth.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

15th April 2013
God is everywhere, and is everything; so, it appears as if He is nowhere, and He is not in anything! For, to know Him you try to identify Him as someone foreign and unique. He is Love, Power, Truth, Wisdom and Beauty. When you accept Love, you accept God. The tender plant of spirituality can grow only in the field of Love. It cannot thrive in the dehydrated loveless land of human hearts. Remove all traces of salinity from your hearts adding to the soil the precious complement of the Name of the Lord. Water it with Faith. Then plant the seedlings of Divinity; have discipline as the fence, and steadfastness as the pesticide to be sprayed. Then, you can reap the rich harvest of Jnana (wisdom), which will free you from the task of cultivation forever.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

16th April 2013
The five elements and their permutations and combinations constitute the Universe. Earth is the grossest, and has the highest number of characteristics. It has its own smell as well as the characteristics of touch, taste, form and sound (Gandha, Sparsha, Rasa, Rupa and Sabdha). The next element is Water, which is subtler than the earth and has only – taste, touch and form. The next element, Fire is subtler still and has sound and touch. The element Air is even subtler and has touch as its special attribute and sound as another predominant characteristic. The most subtle and pervasive element, Sky or Ether has only one characteristic, sound. God is subtler than all the above and so He is all-pervading, even more than ether or anything more pervasive than that. His nature is beyond all human vocabulary, beyond all human mathematics. Have this conviction well stabilised in your intellect.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

17th April 2013
Do not be carried away by the modern day talk of establishing absolute equality. Each one has a certain corpus of intelligence and a peculiar bundle of instincts, impulses and past impressions (vasanas). The more you divert or diminish their impact on you, greater the achievements. Use all chances you have to develop good health, skills and character. That is your highest duty. Seize every chance to serve the sick and needy with love. Do not by any action of yours, cause pain to another, nor suffer pain yourself by foolishness or sheer bravado. Make lasting friendships with good and the noble. Honour elders and women. Treat women with the highest respect. By honouring women, you bring honour to yourself and your society. Respect for women is the mark of real culture.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

18th April 2013
I know how systematic you all are in eating and drinking. You take pretty good care of the body. I do not condemn it; I only want that you should take equally good care of the needs of the spirit also. Take a dose of Dhyanam (meditation) and Japam (repetition of holy Names) as the morning breakfast; Puja and Archana (prayer and worship) as lunch at noon; some Sathsang (holy company) or Sathchinthana (holy thoughts) or reading of holy books or Nama likhitha (writing of holy Names) as afternoon tea and snacks; an hour of bhajan as dinner; and a small ten-minute manana (reflection) as the cup of milk before going to bed. This diet is enough to keep your inner being happy and healthy. That is My advice to you today.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

19th April 2013
The Rama principle (Thathwa) is laden with many subtle secrets. The Rama story is of exemplary excellence ethically, spiritually and materially as well. Rama was the embodiment of the four cardinal principles: truth, righteousness, love, and peace. The story of Rama teaches us how one should live in the world and conduct himself in the family as well as in society. It also teaches us how one should retain one’s individuality and shape one’s personality. Only when we shape ourselves into a strong personality can we conduct ourselves ideally in the family and in society. He also enshrined in Himself the principles of equanimity, unity and bliss. This principle of bliss is latent in every human heart. Understand and internalize that each and every one of you have a right to realise and enjoy this principle of bliss, which is the real Rama Thathwa.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

20th April 2013
Rama is the embodiment of Dharma (Righteousness), which is the basis for the entire Universe. However deep and great our scholastic eminence or wealth may be, this birth is of no use without the transformation of the mind. Merely repeating Rama’s name is inadequate without realising the Rama Thathwa (Principle). A true human being is one who consistently practices the principle of dharma. Burning is the dharma of fire. Coolness is the dharma of ice. Fire is no fire without burning. Similarly the dharma of man lies in performing actions with the body, following the commands of the heart, deeply rooted in Divine Love. Every act performed with thought, word, and deed in harmony is an act of dharma. From today, emulate Rama in your daily life and transform yourself by following the path of Love.
RE: Spirtual Thoughts

21st April 2013
Ravana sought wealth and gratification of desire by utterly violating the principle of Right Conduct (dharma). He was a scholar par excellence who had mastered the sixty four disciplines of learning; whereas Rama had mastered only thirty two. However Rama put them into practice and thereby digested what he learnt, whereas Ravana failed to digest them. The indigestion arose in the form of desire (kama), which ultimately destroyed him. While Rama was the Embodiment of Dharma, Ravana remained as the embodiment of kama. Thus, there arose a conflict between Righteousness and the unrighteousness. Rama transformed Himself into the embodiment of Sathya, following the principle of dharma. This eternal warfare between righteousness and unrighteousness, truth and untruth, exists in the minds of every person. It is your primary duty to follow and practice the twin principles of truth and righteousness and win the game of life.
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