1. Her birthday is 25 November 2002. Figure out the zodiac sign for yourself.
2. That is her real name, though yes, Anika is a character in Ishqbaaaz.
By the way, how am I to pronounce your name bro? What is that ᵜ after the M?
A) Alright.. {gulps} This is far, far beyond the brand-positioning of even AADHAR®, but Thanks for such flabbergasting-transparancy.( Assuming you've shared it
with her consent.)
B) Yep, and not just the first-/given-, but even the precise full-name: If I'm recalling it correctly.( Spelling-distinction, if any, notwithstanding.)
Thanks for your courtesy, nevertheless.
Unmarked-reply: Okay, it should be easy, actually.
In reverse-order:
It's understandable if you think it must be some character for decorative-purposes, since "L33t" and abusing/misusing other mathematical-symbols is quite the norm across the 'pop-Interweb' multiverse — however mine is an exception, as it's a phonetic-character. Now as for the pronunciation of my whole-name, you must be already aware of the differences between ‘a’ and “ā”, and ‘i’ and “ī”, no? So assuming that by perusing the content served on that hyperlink, you would get the sound of that character — that's it! That's exactly how my full-name is pronounced, 'course with due-consideration to spacing! It's not like "DDF" exceptionally allows grammatically-accurate spacing in username-creation.
P.S. It might appear that I've ignored your “zodiac sign” part but that's not the case, indeed. While formulating the response, I did have a response but in the haste of posting the reply, I did so without proofreading the draft.

What I would've conveyed: I'm not interested in her, mine, or anybody else's zodiac-sign — though. I don't believe in either of Astrology, Horoscope, Numerology and all that […]. P-E-R-I-O-D.(
Hopefully, your sentiments won't get hurt.)