Tata Play added 5 new channels, followed by Airtel Digital TV and Sun Direct with 1 new channel each in...
Both Tata Play and Airtel Digital TV lead with addition of 3 new channels in July 2024.
Tata Play added 3 new channels, followed by Airtel Digital TV with 3 new channels in June 2024.
Tata Play added 8 new channels, followed by Airtel Digital TV with 2 new channels in May 2024.
Tata Play added 12 channels, followed by DD Free Dish with 8 new channels in April 2024.
Tata Play added 5 channels, followed by Airtel Digital TV with 2 channels in March 2024.
The company is effectively paying an additional Rs 2500 to consumers buying a Dish D2H connection.Â
Tata Play added 9 channels, followed by Airtel Digital TV with 7 new channels in February 2024.