The Ministry received Rs 1093.41 crore from the DTH operators in 2017-18, whereas in 2018-19 it received Rs 1025.05 crore...
Changes and updates in policy by TRAI and MIB are posted here.
DTH and HITS operators need a Wireless Operational License for the establishment, maintenance, and operation of their platforms.
The Ministry in July received 9 new applications for MSO licenses, up from the 8 applications it received in June.
The new RIO in line with NTO 2.0 is now live on the 1Sports website. Lex Sportel Vision has continued...
Based out of Telangana, YuppTV a OTT provider is seemingly entering the Cable TV market with MSO license granted on...
The a-la-carte price of Jan TV Plus has remained unchanged in the new NTO 2.0 RIO at Rs 50 per...
The appointment has come after the approval of the Board of Directors of the Company, based on recommendations of the...
The ASCI found 52 campaigns by Ayurveda and Homoeopathic practitioners with dubious claims on COVID-19 and the self-regulatory body notified...