channel changed automatically

ETV2 Renamed as ETV andhra pradesh source:etv 2 ch.754 bt tatasky nt update any one watch
Dileep kumar said:
ETV2 Renamed as ETV andhra pradesh source:etv 2 ch.754 bt tatasky nt update any one watch

this is irrelavent to this thread.dont post off topic posts
Channel change automatically from Sony six to Sony Six HD,it already happened 4 times within 10 minutes,I think some good news we will hear tomorrow.:sp:sp:sp
Karan Rockz said:
Channel change automatically from Sony six to Sony Six HD,it already happened 4 times within 10 minutes,I think some good news we will hear tomorrow.:sp:sp:sp

no channel will be added k its TS playing a ICCL (Indian Channel Change League)

so dnt except channel addition
viswanath said:
no channel will be added k its TS playing a ICCL (Indian Channel Change League)

so dnt except channel addition

viswanath said:
no channel will be added k its TS playing a ICCL (Indian Channel Change League)

so dnt except channel addition

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