After searching for this cam everywhere I decided to write to dish-tv
so here is my mail to dish-tv cc
Dear Sir,
I would like to buy this device, Where is it available in Kerala?
None of your dealers have any idea where I can get one, Please help
Well a reply comes very fast cc indeed
Thank you for writing to dishtv.
Regret the inconvenience caused and apologizes for the problem faced
by you. We would like to inform you that Dish Freedom Card facility is not
available in Kerala state. Please feel free to write to us in case you need any further
assistance. We value your association and assure you of our commitment to serve
you with a smile.
Customer service
Well I decide I will get one from somewhere else, maybe through my brother or somebody, I have a few stbs with CI slots lying around, if Dish-tv provided a way to use them good
My reply to dish-tv
Dear Sir,
Well fine it is not available in Kerala ?
But this must be available somewhere, Can you tell me if this is
available in any place in India ?
Since this is on your website for so long, You must be selling it
somewhere at least
Thanks for prompt reply
Well another fun reply from Dish-tv cc
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
Thank you for writing to DISHTV.
We would like to inform you that if you want detail information on
Freedom Card then visit the below mention link:
Moreover for Freedom card kindly contact to your nearest dealer and to
know about your nearest dealer kindly visit the below mention link:
In case of any concerns please write to us or call us, we would be glad
to be of assistance.
We value your association and assure you of our commitment to serve you
with a smile.
Customer service
Good one, What a joke, If they dont want to sell it, Why advertise on their webpage, It looks like they are just inerested in making some headlines so they get some cheap advertising