General Chat Thread

  • Thread starter Bapun
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I have only one thing to say: An expert tag holder who recently got promotion should not have done this. What will then juniors learn ? Shame on you.

Also, Shine tag holder you recently got promotion, the work you did is just to demote yourself.

I feel ashamed that I mentioned your name in my 5 years successfully completed thread. Hope I would not have done that.

You both dont deserve mentioning name in any of my threads.

Even if one thousand times you say sorry I wont accept. See, in this whole post I never mentioned your names even for once as I feel ashamed to mention your name.
@bishnu bro -- Simple thing is those who consider ddf as 2nd family they won't go at any cost whereas those who consider ddf is 10+1 forum they will go .. I think its better let him go(not only abt today issue) ..

Many time personally I felt to leave ddf and done too but never thought of joining other forum based on dth coz they are forum ..

But here its family if i had any pblm in family means I may separate myself from family for temporary or permanently based on issue for family decorum & growth ..

For that joined another forum , challenging ddf from there , bashing ddf admin - staffs - members all are utter nonsense and topless people only can do like that ..

Til now only one person contacted me directly through mail for joining his forum @ that time I was on offline from ddf due to one issue but I simply send that mail trash and continue my work coz don't want reply that topless guy wasting my time ..

Hope hereafter no more such issue will arise and pls don't hurt our admins , team and ddf members guys [emoji120] ..

Pls consider our ddf as ur family then only u can overcome such issues pls [emoji120]

Gobinaath said:
Hope hereafter no more such issue will arise and pls don't hurt our admins , team and ddf members guys [emoji120] ..

Pls consider our ddf as ur family then only u can overcome such issues pls [emoji120]


Bro sure from me
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Hi all guys,

Yeah it was wrong happened from me, which was happened couple of months ago also. I registered on that forum many months ago but not worked on it. I always loves & want to post on my favorite & no. 1 DTH forum "DDF".
I am accepting it was totally my mistakes as I already told. Feeling very bad & more on myself.

I am trying to forgetting it because if I remembering it then difficult going for me. I want to go strong here , just I want your loves & supports. You always supported & loved me.
I know I loose my respect from you. But in future you will be with me, I just hoping because I will do much better than previous.

#I want my respect back & I ll do anything for it
#Sorry to all my friends/brothers I really hurt you:(
#I ll be only on DDF in future:)
Gobinaath said:
Hope hereafter no more such issue will arise and pls don't hurt our admins , team and ddf members guys [emoji120] ..

Pls consider our ddf as ur family then only u can overcome such issues pls [emoji120]


sagR said:
Bro sure from me

Sure From me too..
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Optimus_Prime said:
Just came from Hospital....:)
Treatment of my father is going on.. Blood test report came and Blood sugar is just out of Control.
They are giving now Insulin and Anti Biotic...
Don't know when they release my father...

Soon give the discharge date of dad from hospital to ur bros :) ..

Take care

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@Pranabendu bro aka Optimus bro your dad will get discharge soon. Don't worry bro. Baba bhalo hoye gele roshogolla khabo kintu amra. Sondesh o cholte pare.

English Translation: When his father gets well we will eat either roshogulla or sondesh from him.

Jokes apart, take care of yourself and your family bro.
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