It will certainly happen buddy, they cannot be making changes in channel numbers at regular intervas to create empty LCN slots in respective genres.....for LCN Realignment operator needs to get approval from each broadcaster and same takes time but once it is finalised then 4 Digit LCN system will be enabled, Channels arranged as per slab agreed upon in agreement with various broadcasters and pending channels will be added......also some channels may get somewhat more delayed if bandwidth issue is there as Airtel Digital TV won't overload old SES 7 transponders nor it shall put more compression on existing channels to add new ones bcoz best quality transmission has always remained their main focus
Guys keep checking for scrolls on channels like BFlix, Colors Cineplex, Star Gold 2 etc. where Airtel Logo located at bottom right position has been moved slightly upwards
Guys keep checking for scrolls on channels like BFlix, Colors Cineplex, Star Gold 2 etc. where Airtel Logo located at bottom right position has been moved slightly upwards
Bro if they move logo slightly of a channel in a week and so another channel after a week than it looks like it will take a year to move logo of all channels they want LCN to realign..seems govt five year plan for all this activity..
Bro if they move logo slightly of a channel in a week and so another channel after a week than it looks like it will take a year to move logo of all channels they want LCN to realign..seems govt five year plan for all this activity..
Bro, it is not necessary that they may change LCN of all channels at one go so it may be that for time being few changes might happen....what i am anticipating is that once satellite migration starts and Airtel Digital TV gets access to more transponders/bandwidth then they may finally realign LCN of all channels as per slab agreed upon is updated RIO agreement signed with various broadcasters, right now it will be very difficult to accommodate all pending channels due to unavailability of LCN slots + limited bandwidth so i am of the opinion they will focus on both these tasks first then add + realign channel numbers