
15 May 2012
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Dear expert plz help me my ortonx403p is dead it only shows ON now i want Upgrade my stb but i donot know how to updrage firmware of stb through Rs 232 cable plz tell which tool is needed for Pc to detect Stb tell me step by step
First searching Loader For model number after this search suitble Firmware For this, R u try to Change Firmware..
yes i am trying to change firmware through usb when downloading start electricity is gone now it only shows in front panel "ASH"Plz any give me loader and tell how to upgrade its firmare through Rs232 cable and which tool is needed for PC to recognise STB plz help me
@lonezahoor this Ali 3602 Erom Upgrade file will help to reflash firmware to x403p receiver

if their is any difficulty pm i will help you
if you have null RS232 cable connect one end to the box and other the port in pc

open eromupdate from the above give file

port setting select the port of the pc which yo have connected null rs2232 cable

biterate set 115200

parity set even

operate mode : upgrade

file : browse the firmware for orton x403p

and also include tick in boot loader

now at this time the stb should be off

now press next at the same time after 3 to 4 sec power on the stb if at that time if it is connected then it will say connected , if not they again repeat the process power off the stb
and press next ....

then when connect it will take time about2 to 3 miniutes to load firware and it will ask for flash the box just flash it

do not power off the stb while flash after completing flashing the stb will reboot and connect and enjoy...
lonezahoor said:
Thankyou so much friend but where can i get bootlooder

boot looder come with the new firmware when you tick include it also install the bootloader other wise not
bro when i open Erom upgrade in pc, pority even bitrate 115200 upgrade browse file firmare and click next pc shows synorising stb... And after 3sec power on Stb pc shows intilasing stb sdram failed try again i try 25 times but still diplays instilasing sdram failed try again now what can i do
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