Direct to Home (DTH) operator Dish TV on Friday in a tweet declared that its set-top boxes manufacturing will now be Made in India urging its customers to bring home a Dish TV set-top box. Dish TV’s announcement drops hardly days after Tata Sky announced that it would move set-top box manufacturing to India next year onwards.

Dish TV in its tweet highlighted that its set-top boxes will be completely made in India making Dishkiyaon entertainment 100% indigenous. Dish TV in its tweet highlighted a consignment arrival of over 1000 set-top boxes that are touted to be made in India going by the tweet.
The set-top boxes which have arrived are DishNXT set-top box DCH-2090S which is a black color, matte finished standard definition (SD) set-top box. As per Dish TV Services YouTube channel, it is the latest SD set-top box which has been manufactured by Changhong.
Dish TV is planning to shift almost 50% of its production to India by Q1 of 2021 which will be intensified in the coming months as Dish TV also plans to manufacture most of the major components of the set-top box and its accessories in India, further boosting its commitment to ‘vocal for local’. Dish TV is planning to make the STB cabinet in India soon with procuring of power adaptor from Indian manufacturers already started and advanced stage of talks with remote control manufacturers to produce the remote controls in India.
Elaborating Dish TV India’s ‘Make in India’ plan, Mr. Jawahar Goel, Chairman & Managing Director, Dish TV India Ltd, said, “We are thrilled to join the Government of India’s ‘Make in India’ initiative and localize the manufacturing of set-top boxes and other key accessories in India only. This announcement reiterates our pioneering position within the DTH industry as we aim to further expand our business operations and develop products that match the intrinsic needs of our customers. With the vision of ‘Make in India’, we reiterate our commitment to producing quality products and are confident that we can achieve several industry firsts. We thank the Government of India for all their support and favorable policies.” By shifting the production to India, the company looks at scaling manufacturing in the country and ways to enable industry revival. This will further assist them to streamline the supply chain, operations, and management.
Sharing the optimism, Mr. Anil Dua, Executive Director & Group CEO, Dish TV India added, “Making our own STBs and accessories in India could not have come at a better time. Customer needs are evolving rapidly. As we refresh our STB range with a new set of connected devices and hybrid options, working with local design, development and production are definitely going to be a competitive edge for our business.”
Update: The article has been updated to include the official quotes from Dish TV