DD North East was initially conceived as a composite channel for the 8 states of North East by Prasar Bharati...
Prasar Bharati
Both the channels will be available on the DD Free Dish platform starting from 6th August up to 31st March...
The tribunal has allowed Manoranjan Grand to pay up the 5th instalment which is falling due on 27th July by...
The e-auction will be held online with the last date for submission of applications set as 27th July. E-Auction if...
The tribunal was informed that Movie Plus has paid up the instalments as per the scheme of permitting payment of...
TDSAT had earlier in June granted Manoranjan Group extended time period to pay up the third instalment which was due...
The broadcaster prayed to TDSAT for some more time to arrange funds but the tribunal rejected the plea.
The two FTA channels currently are saved by the interim order granted by TDSAT but could be on its way...