Vaji Communications, Vizianagar Citi told to arrive at an agreement with GTPL in three weeks

If the LCOs fail to pay up the invoice of May and June then GTPL would be at liberty to disconnect the supply of signals.

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By Basil Kannagi Arasu

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The Telecom Disputes and Settlement Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) has directed Vaji Communications and Vizianagar Citi Communications to arrive at an agreement with GTPL Hathway within three weeks in accordance with the law failing which the supply of signals will not be permitted by the Tribunal.

The tribunal hearing the petition noted that GTPL had acquired majority share in the companies due to which the supply of signals was claimed as a matter of right even though there is no interconnection agreement between the parties.

The tribunal remarked that the situation could not be permitted between the parties and noted that the one who seeks signals should meet certain terms and conditions in accordance with the regulations framed by TRAI.

The tribunal gave a last opportunity to reach at an agreement within 3 weeks as a long time has passed with TDSAT giving opportunity to the parties, no settlement could be arrived at. Incase the parties fail to enter into an interconnect agreement failing which the supply of signals will be cut.

GTPL has claimed arrears of Rs 1.48 crore and Rs 2.58 crore in separate petitions while both the Andhra LCOs have taken a stance that both have made excess payment and had no dues against GTPL. Vaji and Vizianagar stated that it had paid Rs 35 lakhs in excess as on 31st March.

GTPL in its submissions stated that the figures have been raised by showing arbitrary entries on the basis of credit notes (CNs) on 31st March which are self creations of the LCOs to get rid of the outstanding dues. TDSAT noted that the outstanding dues issue would have to resolved if they failed to reconcile with GTPL filing a recovery case.

The tribunal further directed the LCOs to pay up the invoiced amount of May 2020 even if it had any dispute with the balance dues to May invoice to be paid within one week.

It further noted that the interim arrangement should be binding on the parties even with respect to the payment of invoice for the month of June 2020. If the LCOs fail to pay up the invoice of May and June then GTPL would be at liberty to disconnect the supply of signals.

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Basil Kannagi Arasu

News Reporter

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Basil likes to cover the latest happenings in the Media and Entertainment Industry in India. You can always find him browsing his phone.

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