The regulator has directed Tata Sky to refund all those subscribers who were affected between 1st October 2018 to 5th...
Every new update about the Indian and global Direct-to-home (DTH) and Television industry can be found here.
It said that Zee Entertainment had already shared the audit report dated 21 November 2019 with the cable operator on...
The Ministry received 26 new applications for permission during Quarter 3 FY 19-20 compared to 16 new applications received during...
The regulator had set the deadline of January 15th for all the pay broadcasters to declare their revised tariffs.
Given the small number of a-la-carte offerings and bouquet offerings, the broadcaster didn’t have to make any major changes to...
With Bombay HC refusing to grant any relief, the broadcasters are now left with another 28 hours to declare its...
The Rs 10 cashback will be credited in the customer's Dish TV or d2h wallet within 48 hours of a...
It has a huge library of movies, kids, news and regional content which it has been distributing to satellite, cable...