Chennai DAS Updates.

All the private MSO's in Chennai have started advertising for STB and has asked their LCO's to sell them ASAP. Once the STB's are sold to the public then there is no point in Arasu entering Chennai as people would be at loss due to their investment in STB from private MSO. Either Arasu has to act now or never. Hope Arasu wins this race after a long wait for their license. Chennai is the largest share in Cable revenue in the state which could even compete the revenue (HD would be much bought in Chennai) from entire TN excluding Chennai put together and this would simply double Arasu's earning every single month.
Source: The Hindu comments section
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All the private MSO's in Chennai have started advertising for STB and has asked their LCO's to sell them ASAP. Once the STB's are sold to the public then there is no point in Arasu entering Chennai as people would be at loss due to their investment in STB from private MSO. Either Arasu has to act now or never. Hope Arasu wins this race after a long wait for their license. Chennai is the largest share in Cable revenue in the state which could even compete the revenue (HD would be much bought in Chennai) from entire TN excluding Chennai put together and this would simply double Arasu's earning every single month.
Source: The Hindu comments section

Finally someone is talking sense, hope Arasu Cable reads this and gets into action. Just read a news that Arasu has offered "Horizon Electronics Broadcast" to digitalise its Chennai Control Room for and to carry the DAS signals to the rest of TN it has approached RailTel and BSNL.

But the biggest question of all is Arasu really interested in serving Chennai? Only Arasu can clarify this or the time will clarify if Private MSO's deliver and digitalise Chennai.

Till now they might have thought that without DAS license any investment is a waste but now since they have DAS license wasting even a single day is a waste. If they really want to serve Chennai, they have to first go analogue with atleast 80-90 pay channels and take control of the entire city, collect STB requirements and supply quality HD & SD STB's (not the usual free stuffs that comes with very little life) to atleast 75% of subscribers within 30-45 days and complete DAS within 2 months.

Hope we seem some positive change before June/July.

I thought of VK will do something from 1st June.
Seems, Arasu delayed the STB process, hence these MSOs also slightly delaying and keeping their customers .
let's see how it goes, mostly before June end we will know the Chennai digitization , else analogue will continue for next few years.

VK is frequently replacing its HD STB Promotional channel with Republic Tv, most of the time Republic Tv is running at minimum 3 places so it looks like either they are going to go DAS really slow or waiting for Arasu to take over.
hi, i am from Puzhudhivakkam area, in our place they are collecting Rs 350/- for full HD excluding Sun network HD.
VK Digital should have to control these things, they are allowing LCOs to collect whatever they want.

Same in all Areas, for SD pack with all channels its Rs 250 and SD+HD pack at Rs 300/350. No difference in Pack, if we get SD STB we have to pay Rs 250 and if we get HD STB we have to pay Rs 300/350.

LCO's are free to collect what ever they want. SCV seems to collect Rs 300 for SD+HD Pack and definitely LCO will collect Rs 50 additional and bring it to Rs 350.

May be LCO's have invested in STB's and trying to cover costs by hiking the subscription charges. Anyhow, LCO's seem to increase subscription charge by Rs 50 - 100 from the actual MSO cost.

Even if Arasu comes these LCO's may simply double or triple the subscription cost and force subscribers to pay the same. Seems no respite from LCO's.
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If Arasu goes DAS then mostly they will try to first cover Chennai as it falls in Phase 1 of DAS migration and also most of the LCO's are not connected with Arasu so mostly they wont have any pending dues so nothing stopping them from going DAS in Chennai. :)

Also private MSO's might try to offer free STB so they can over take Arasu, STB costs can be easily covered via a hike in monthly subscription (e.g. Cost of Rs 1200 MPEG 4 STB can be collected via a hike of Rs 50 every month for 24 months or Rs 100 per month for 12 months.).

Eng Translation: Will Arasu deliver STB? Tender date cancelled due to commission demand by Politicians.

Arasu STB Tender date was cancelled as noone participated in the Tender due to commission demand by politicians. Since the deadline of 17 July to implement DAS could not be met, TRAI provisional DAS license given to Arasu cable has become a question.

Source: Dinamalar.
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mostly arasu will get extension deadline from central govt to implement it.
TRAI had given a provisional license to Arasu to complete DAS within 3 months i.e. by 17 July this dead line gets completed but Arasu has extended tender till 12 June.

As per the tender the entire supply of STB would happen within 90 dys so only a small part of DAS would be completed by 17th July and Arasu might have to ask for atleast 3 months additional time for DAS implementation which TRAI would decide.

Mostly TN might complete DAS only by Sep 2017 (hope all goes well with STB supply and delivery as per plan) and we dont see another new year with an Analogue cable service. ;)
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