Tata Sky/Play strictly for Jingalala offers of HD English and Hindi movies at ₹1 and making chat based customer service easily accessible.
Don't care about the rebrand. It didn't bring anything good for the customer. Instead got a new distracting logo. Reminds me of br**st cancer awareness month with that pink logo. There is no offers or any discounts. And I am not a fanboy of anything to fall for ads and promotion which benefits the brand not us customers. Trust me word of mouth brings new customer not ads by celebrities. Just ask Xiaomi.
Also as an Assamese. Nothing changed. Assamese is still recognised as an "Other" language. Can't beleive our state honoured Ratan Tata with the highest civilian award. Those working at Tata Play. Have some shame. Name changed, egos and stereotypical mindset didn't.