MOved to Videocon D2H HD from Tatasky HD

dino29 said:
also if u want to wait u can do so for 2 to 3 months as very soon videocon d2h is launching all new range of stb's and by that time software will also b fastened thru an upgrade

i don't mind waiting but saw in the Airtel forums today that they will be removing ESS channels within 21 days which will be the worst move by their part. and once that happens i ll have no other choice but to move to d2h. also i will know whether the STB make is 2012 or 2011 only after i get it know after which i can change it if i get 2011 make??
just check on the box, pic of stb will have white markers below front panel buttons, also check year and month of packing on the box once u get it, if its an old one then do not accept it
Dear All,
iam presently using ADTV HD recorder and planning to move D2H hd dvr for want of ESPN HD and Starcricket HD. plz help me in taking the deciscion by sharing information abt D2H. Does videocon provide universal remote? and tell me about the video clarity, vid.eo play back from recorded content and the sound quality in realative to ADTV. Thanks in advance
well hd dvr of d2h is not upto the mark. its sluggish and hangs. even has problems while recording.
Hi Dino i am looking forward to buy Videocon D2h & i am bit confuse between Videocon D2H HD & HD DVR as i spoke to my nearest dealer & he told me that Videocon D2h has stopped supply of HD DVR set top box. i dont know why they stopped the supply of hd dvr. it would be highly appreciated if u tell me which 1 is better. :)
hd dvr is available only in select cities, if u wanna buy a hd dvr then wait for 2 or 3 months till videocon d2h launches new range of stb's. if u wanna buy hd stb, u can do it now or even after few months when new model stb's r launched
Amongst all dealers i found 1 dealer who has Videocon D2h hd dvr Model No 4614. & as per the telephonic call with Videocon customer care i came to know that they have launched 2 hd dvr models 4611 & 4614 but only 4614 is available in the market & they stopped the supply of 4611 hd dvr for some reason. i dont know the reason. Dino did u know about these 2 models & could u please tell me is there any problem in HD DVR
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