I sent an email to customer care to get an exchange for my 2011 box with new 555 box. After some time I got a call from Chennai service center.
He said there is no exchange offer for 2011 to 555. He opted me to get a new connection since my subscription is going to expire on 31-Mar-2014. The price as per the company is Rs.2000. I told him that my friend (Vadirocks bro
) got it for Rs.1700. He said, that could be an offer from dealer end. He also suggested me to get it from the dealer and if not possible I need to pay Rs.2000 to get it from Videocon D2H directly.
Vadi bro,
Can I get this box 555 from your dealer? Please let me know the details since my subscription is going to expire on 31-Mar-2014.