I see that several people commented about expecting new tariff to be lower because they only want sport channels (and may be a few extra news/infotainment).
Can you share how did you calculate? If you want most of the sports channels, you need to buy either the costliest bouquets of Sony and Star, or select all star(1,2,3,select1,select2) and Sony(Ten 1,2,3 and ESPN,SIX) as Ala carte. Either way your cost won't be less than RS. 350/month/tv including NCF. How much are you paying currently for old plans which included all sports channels?
The only way sports+infotainment would be cheaper in new model is if broadcasters create seperate sports only bouquets with good discounts(similar to their full bouquet discounts).
But considering that every broadcaster is here to maximize profit, they won't give us such an option, at least not in the near future.