It is a new hilarious chase comedy that offers kids a chance to take an epic mischief-filled ride with the...
Television News
The new figures also show that the BBC’s overall global reach has boosted to 468.2 million a week which is...
Woh Apna Sa consists of 391 episodes, it originally aired on Zee TV from January 23, 2017, to July 20,...
Genre-wise, GEC and movies viewership grew by 2% and 19% respectively throughout the day.
Colors Marathi has also said that it will further strengthen its line-up with the launch of shows such as Sundara...
Because of the 48-hour notice by IMD, the government activated the disaster management program and evacuated over 1 million people...
Jyoti highlights the many issues and social evils that Indian women in middle-class homes are faced with.
Over the past two decades, Nidhi has become a leading name in English TV journalism due to her impeccable work.