Star has global rights so I think it includes terrestrial also?
Anyway as is normal in India, govt. can force Star to sell IPL terrestrial rights to DD for a cost. (DD usually doesn't make a profit and Star is happy with extra revenue). But if the govt's move tilt the system like it's in the US where majority of people watch FTA channels only, then Star India and DTH viewers in India may suffer (In US, satellite TV is very expensive. Lowest pack itself is around INR 1,300 and majority of Americans only have local TV with around 15 channels). Such a move will be an over reach of government. Private DTHs may lose customers with such a move and may start charging premium rates like in US. Most people may chose FTA networks in that scenario. I hope India won't repeat the US mistake. Instead of expanding the lower base FTA network we should expand the DTH base to the masses.