Tata Sky creates 'jhingalala' moments with karaoke


9 Sep 2013
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Tata Sky’s latest campaign focuses on their new offering of a Karaoke service. It pegs the campaign around fun times that families and friends can have with a home Karaoke system.
Karaoke is not a new concept, but it has gained increasing popularity in India. By bringing Karaoke into the Tata Sky box, the brand plans to give more services to its users. The Karaoke service will not only give the lyrics for songs, but also have a tune-meter which will show the score of how in-tune or out-of-tune a singer is! The service will be available to all Tata Sky + HD box users.Vikram Mehra, Chief Commercial Officer, Tata Sky, said, “The love for singing and dancing is epitomised by Bollywood movies. Karaoke may be a new activity for a large part of India, but singing as an entertaining and collective activity was never an alien concept. Be it a family function or a night out with friends, singing our favourite Hindi songs in loud chorus adds tremendously to the fun factor of any evening. Capitalising on this sentiment, the Karaoke ads capture the simplicity of tuning into the service any time of the day for non-stop entertainment.”
A set of three TVCs has been launched. The first TVC shows a group of friends, divided into boys and girls teams. Each team then sends a singer who sings with the Karaoke. While the girl’s team get a poor score in the sur-o-meter, the boy’s fare even worse. The TVC shows the group having a good time in the comfort of their home.
The second TVC is a continuation of the earlier TVC. It shows a daughter grimacing as her father sings with the Karaoke. However, the father is completely out of tune and doesn’t realize it. The daughter explains to viewers that the Tata Sky Karaoke lets you check your tune quotient so that you know if you are as terrible a singer as her father!
The third one shows a couple of college goers singing absolutely out of key to a popular Bollywood number and having a blast. The TVCs all highlight the fun factor of a Karaoke machine, but in the comfort of your own house.Abhijit Avasthi, National Creative Director, Ogilvy & Mather, said, “Karaoke had to be pitched as a social activity in the realm of enjoyment. While the product was revolutionary, we wanted people to see it as on obvious relevant product which seamlessly fits into, rather enhances, an already existing moment in their life. Essentially, all we had to do was to let people know the key features of Karaoke that will make fun moments over singing even more fun.”
before two to three days this service was also promoted on sabtv in Chidiya Ghar
Also promoted in Gustakh Dil on Life OK.
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