Hindi News channel News18 India is bringing special episodes of ‘Bhaiyaji Kahin’ and ‘Lapete Mein Netaji’ ahead of Bihar assembly elections. Bhaiyaji Kahin anchored by Prateek Trivedi will travel across different districts in Bihar to bring forth the real concerns of the people from ground zero amidst the ongoing pandemic.
The popular travelogue-cum-chaupal provides a comprehensive and unparalleled ground-level view of the situation with Prateek Trivedi indulging in candid conversations with everyone– from aam aadmi, to local leaders and biggest newsmakers. Bhaiyaji Kahin will travel through the key constituencies like Patna, Gaya, Banka and Nalanda. The show will capture topics ranging from woes of those impacted the most by COVID-19 and other calamities, migration of tons of labourers, and politics over the pandemic.

News18 India is also coming up with an election special edition of, ‘Lapete Mein Netaji’ Hosted by Kishore Ajwani, Managing Editor, News18 India, to bring some of the most renowned local poets together on a single platform and recite satirical verses on various issues faced by the voters in the state and nation at large.
In upcoming episodes of this show, viewers will witness prominent politicians and poets such as Sudeep Bhola, Gaurav Chauhan, Ved Prakash Ved & Shambhu Shikhar. Lapete Mein Netaji brings sharp sarcasm, satire, and a sense of humour to the daily discourse.