The special campaign film takes an outside-in-view of the problem and targets the people around to act rather than the...
Overall Free Commercial Time or FCT stood at 216 lakhs in week 20 as compared to 187 lakh FCT in...
General Entertainment Channels are worst affected with up to 61% decline in fills per hour.
Nearly half of India is now watching TV daily as compared to 32 percent earlier.
Percentage of advertisements related to essential products such as finance, telecom, health, hygiene, food, etc. has also grown from 42%...
EEC in week 14 was the only language which got a 19% raise in Free Commercial Time (FCT).
Although growth in movie channels is seen throughout the country however in the Southern regions, it has not been much...
The Hindi speaking region recorded the highest growth with 49% while in the South Indian region the growth was relatively...