Good Picture quality of SD channels in HD box

Did the SD channel picture quality improved in HD Box with HDMI connection than the old composite v

  • Greatly improved

    Votes: 20 46.5%
  • Small change

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Cannot determine

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • No change

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Poor quality

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters
@ DishHD Online,

Dear bro, give your reply about the current poll status.
jerome5633 said:
I experienced this recently with d2h.I think on the way this will come in all forums by different users of various dth.But the Topic is related to general HD set top boxes.

so thread should be changed to general DTH section.
jenius-jatt said:
Also SEE this friends,

MPEG-2 HD CHANNELS on various satellites.


Got it now i knew why that half part was hidden bcoz it was a Mp4 Hd channel that written on that Mp2 on that site was a mistake from that site check the prove in this picture same Tp and same channel. Now if it was a European, Chinese or Russian channel i would have never knew about this but i am watching this channel since i was a Kid, bad luck jenius jat.

DishHD said:
Got it now i knew why that half part was hidden bcoz it was a Mp4 Hd channel that written on that Mp2 on that site was a mistake from that site check the prove in this picture same Tp and same channel. Now if it was a European, Chinese or Russian channel i would have never knew about this but i am watching this channel since i was a Kid, bad luck jenius jat.


Bro Jenius Jatt were are your Mp2 Hd channels, if there is any Mp2 Hd channel in the world then this will be a breaking news in the Satellite world and the all credit will go to Jenius Jatt.
@DishHD: i am watching this channel since i was a Kid ?

Yes you are still a kid in front of us as its too much shame for you all the forum members making you under stand with proofs and you are still struggling in between Mpeg-2 and Mpeg-4 codec's.

100 times I told you that it doesn't make any difference to HD programming whether it is in Mpeg-2 or Mpeg-4 and you are stuck with Mpeg-4 and have a great allergy from Mpeg-2.Now you also got a Mpeg-2 HD box proof also.HD is nothing just the game of Resolutions.So its time to stick with Topic and no kintu parantu so be careful. No doubt It was a good discussion .

@DishHD: Bro Jenius Jatt were are your Mp2 Hd channels, if there is any Mp2 Hd channel in the world then this will be a breaking news in the Satellite world and the all credit will go to Jenius Jatt.

Now I think its time to give me likes and reps as you already said about credits as I deserve it...
jenius-jatt said:
@DishHD: i am watching this channel since i was a Kid ?

Yes you are still a kid in front of us as its too much shame for you all the forum members making you under stand with proofs and you are still struggling in between Mpeg-2 and Mpeg-4 codec's.

100 times I told you that it doesn't make any difference to HD programming whether it is in Mpeg-2 or Mpeg-4 and you are stuck with Mpeg-4 and have a great allergy from Mpeg-2.Now you also got a Mpeg-2 HD box proof also.HD is nothing just the game of Resolutions.So its time to stick with Topic and no kintu parantu so be careful. No doubt It was a good discussion .

@DishHD: Bro Jenius Jatt were are your Mp2 Hd channels, if there is any Mp2 Hd channel in the world then this will be a breaking news in the Satellite world and the all credit will go to Jenius Jatt.

Now I think its time to give me likes and reps as you already said about credits as I deserve it...

Truth is that many Chinese Broadcasters dont have money or they dont want to spend hugh amount of money to convert their channels to MP4 Hd but they use a Cheap method is by using a MP2 to HD decorder which will just try to Improve the picture quality of a Sd channel. But still after conversion it will never look has crisp and clear has a upgraded MP4 Hd channel which will cost alot of Money and what now Tatasky is doing by investing alot of money to convert its many SD MP2 channels to MP4 format.

Sorry to reply late Mr. Jenius Jatt bcoz yesterday i just had to rush for some work. Anyway if any Satellite site indicates a Mp2 Hd channels it doesnt makes any logic bcoz first of all why will a channel broadcast a Hd channel In MP2 and use 2 to 3 times more Bandwidth to Broadcast a Hd channel In MP2 format were has he can save its Bandwidth and so much Space on its Transponder by launching that HD channel in MP4 Format rather than in MP2 format. And Secondly i am not a kid and am not behaving like a kid in Dth Forums. But the truth is that now you all guys know that you all are wrong about HD channel in MP2 format, so you guys are searching on net and trying to find some thing about MP2 format Hd channel which doesn't exists. And that Chinese channels which are shown in that picture is just that they use a MP2 Decorder to convert their Channels from SD MP2 to MP4 HD. Now the reason that channels are braodcasted in MP2 HD is bcoz they dont have money to convert their channels to MP4 HD so they are just using a decorder to convert their MP2 channel to HD, Now if that channels are HD channels for which you guys dont have any proof like Screen shots of that channels or any sufficient evidence if their are any MP2 Hd channels in the satellite world but just some information from a Satellite site which shows a MP2 HD which doesnt makes any sense. Search on the net all day long you will never find any MP2 Hd channel or any MP2 HD setbox or satellite Receiver but you will just find some MP2 Hd decorders which will just try to Convert a SD MP2 channel to HD even though after you use a MP2 Decorder to convert any channel to HD it will never look has good has a Upgraded MP4 channel. I have ever seen guys like you who want to prove something which is impossible bcoz for example now if some one wants to surf internet on a phone and he has 2 options one will be phone released in 1990's Nokia brand phone and Second option would be a smart phone released in the recent times like Iphone 2,3.. or Samsung S 1,2,3 and similarly if any wants to braodcast a HD in MP2 then he will use that 1990's phone and smart guys will always use MP4 format and Latest smart phones for which this technologies are made for.

And forgot to say i need some reliable reply's on this topic not just some pictures which just makes any sense.
totally waste conversation in here.jenius-jatt don't argue with this guy. :wall
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